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Stephen Fisher IR (Cheshire Oaks Audi) <>

10 Mar 2021, 16:53

to wirral, Matt

Good afternoon Mr Williamson

Further to our call yesterday, please find attached all copies of bill created (warranty or otherwise) for your vehicle.

We are in the process of recovering the following from our archive files:

- Job Cards raised
- E Mail communications

As soon as we have these, it is our intention to supply these to yourself of course and to the VWFS resolutions team as you mentioned you had a call with them on Monday for an update. I trust this is on order.

Kind regards

Steve Fisher / Head of Business 
Cheshire Oaks Audi | Longlooms Road East | Ellesmere Port | Cheshire | CH65 9LF 
Tel: 0151 357 8066 | Mobile: 07467 445754| 

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